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the serpent bloodline, Secrets of the Serpent Bloodline. 2.4K likes. The Unveiling of Profound Esoteric Mysteries. Tau Tia takes you on a journey into the .... Apr 6, 2021 — Dumuzid, the shepherd, ruled for 36, years. Then Bad-tibira fell and the kingship was taken to Larag. In Larag, En-sipad-zid-ana ruled for 28, .... Aug 14, 2012 - Is Enki holding the symbolic flask of a Bloodline he created? Enki was credited with the creation of mankind. The DNA of the Anunnaki and early .... Peliculas Torrent. Macy,Mel Gibson,Erin Moriarty,Diego Luna. of liberty and reckless of blood. ORACION ORACION ORACION Y MAS ORACION Phliasus, son of .... The archetype here is that of The Hooded Man or Helgi Hundingsbane, who is 'crownless'. The crown belongs to the 'New King' (The Third Sargon) who appears .... Jun 20, 2014 - The Factual Origins of Man - The the link for a full explanation .... Enki becomes the Yahweh of Genesis, and this might be why Christianity has ... Jesus Christ is equated with the Old Testament Yahweh, the creator of man and ... could be regarded as both an Arab and a Hebrew Semite through bloodlines, .... Jan 1, 2021 — The Annunaki were also tied to the Watchers which are found in the Book of Enoch. A book that is an ancient Jewish religious work, the Book of .... Dec 16, 2006 — The Merovingian / Jesus Bloodline = Enki/Dagon Annunaki Bloodline - Which Will be Unveiled as the New World Religion.. Feb 10, 2021 — JESUS THE ANUNNAKI? You must keep an open mind - stay out of your cave now, or you won't be able to grasp the wisdom being presented .... Jun 18, 2020 — Evans: Zecharia Sitchin and the ExtraTerrestrial Origins of Humanity Price: $ 18. Pleiadian symbol. Some observations: There ARE undisclosed .... Mischievous god of wisdom, magic and incantations who resides in the ocean under the earth. Functions. Greenstone cylinder seal TT of the scribe Adda, showing .... Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed [Gardner, Laurence] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Bloodline of the .... Jul 17, 2013 — Learn how this Neanderthal alien bloodline became the sacred blood line of the ancient Sumerians; a bloodline that is worshiped and adored .... ... and the Luciferian bloodline of Jesus, of which William Rockefeller Clinton was a ... In all likelihood, she too was one of Enki's experiments in genetic mixing.. The Sumerian god Enki is more like the serpent of Genesis and Lucifer. The Gnostic text Reality of the Archons describes "him" as an androgynous being, .... Feb 29, 2020 — Jesus lived for about 32-36 years, between 4/6th BC – 30/32 AD during King Herod and his successor's time under Roman empire colonialism .... Oct 23, 2012 — The true Grail bloodline originated with the Anunnaki gods in southern Sumeria at least 6,000 years ago and was sustained by the ingestion of an .... Jehovah was a servant of Enlil (Enki's . Biblical Proof of Anunnaki Enki is ; Jesus Christ, God of Moses, Poseidon, Nahushtan, Ptah, Lucifer, Loki, Agni, Ogon and .... Oct 25, 2013 · The true Grail bloodline originated with the Anunnaki gods in southern Sumeria at least 6,000 years ago and was sustained by ingestion of an .... Had cast lots and had divided. Anu then went up to heaven. To Enlil the Earth was made subject. The seas, enclosed as with a loop. They had given to Enki, the .... The Annunaki (Ancient Aliens) And The Creation of The . Dec 05, 2017 · The “Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki”, essentially the Family Tree of the ruling class (or .... Apr 24, 2021 — If you happen to be versed in Greek mythology, you can think of these primordial gods as being a little bit like the titans who preceded the ancient .... Mar 18, 2021 — This was so because he was the representation of the divine masculine on Earth, the Holy Bridegroom that would in time perform the Hieros .... The Anunnaki (also transcribed as Anunaki, Annunaki, Anunna, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of deities of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, .... Enlil (and also An)- the creator God who sends the flood, has the tablets of destiny Enki/Ea - Satan, who helps mankind escape Enlil, he is the father of Marduk .... Shop our inventory for The Magdalene Legacy: The Jesus and Mary Bloodline Conspiracy by Laurence Gardner with fast free shipping on every used book we .... Mar 12, 2021 — Whatever your take on the story of Jesus might be, the fact that such a person existed at the time claimed is most likely true. Who He actually was .... 2022:WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO US WHEN THE ANUNNAKI RETURN TO EARTH IN 2022? - Kindle edition by de Lafayette, Maximillien. Download it once and .... 2 days ago — Why an ancient Mesopotamian tablet is key to our future learning | Tiffany Jenkins | TEDxSquareMile. In our ephemeral, digital world where .... Listen to this episode from The Leak Project on Spotify. Survive The Collapse Add Gold To Your Portfolio! Click Here! Get The Best .... Both genes have 10 exons and share an overall 93. A person with at least one copy of the gene for the Rh factor has Rh-positive blood; if no copies are inherited, .... Feb 5, 2017 — ... god of the old testament is Shiva, Jesus Christ or rather Iesus Christ is Krishna. I have found out that even before Anu who had Enlil and Enki, .... While Enlil is battling with Tiamat, Enki is missing the whole thing, because he is asleep. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Enki: Jesus had been told by his .... Results 1 - 25 — If these books were taken from the bible to cover up there being many Gods as in the book of Enoch. Actually its doing my head in and it depends .... Apr 13, 2021 — And so with the help of John, Jesus began his ministry in full force, teaching the Jewish mysteries first to small groups and then larger ones. Jesus .... Feb 28, 2021 — ALIEN JESUS: The Immaculate Deception – Aliens And Religion 'The Lost Book of Enki'. Lucifer was created by God, and he was thereby a .... Enki (“En” Lord, “ki” Earth), or Ea (“E” Temple, “A” Water) is one of the three most important gods of Mesopotamian culture. He is the god of wisdom, lord of magic .... Nov 3, 2016 — In the earliest texts, the term is applied to the most powerful and important deities in the Sumerian pantheon: the descendants of the sky-god An.. In the Sumerian textual corpus, the highest gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon were AN (Sum: 𒀭) and his nine princely heirs. The High Anunna were depicted .... Feb 11, 2021 — A The original evolved creatures of the Earth, first known as Homo-Erectus, who evolved to Homo sapiens, i. This race was black skinned with .... 2 days ago — The Jesus Bloodline =Enki/Dagon Annunaki Bloodline ... JESUS THE ANUNNAKI? | ENKI SPEAKS BLOODLINE OF NU.DIM.MUD ENKI.. Feb 22, 2021 — In the same story we recognize this Son of God as Jesus Christ, who saved mankind and who also got sacrificed by his father. There is both good .... Jan 2, 2021 — Abel died by the hands of Cain just like Enki died by the hands of Enlil in the Sumerian tablets. Which leads me to believe that Enki is indeed Abel .... May 14, 2021 · The Anunnaki presence on Earth has spawned and permeated every major ancient civilization since the last Ice Age. Our long-time viewers are .... Mar 9, 2021 — Enlil[a] later known as Elilwas an ancient Mesopotamian god associated with wind, air, earth, and storms. Enlil's primary center of worship was .... Dec 16, 2006 · The Merovingian / Jesus Bloodline Hype is Really Enki/Dagon Annunaki Bloodline - Which Will be Unveiled as the New World Religion.. 900+ Anunnaki And Who Sep 10, 2017 · Anunnaki Bloodline Traced To Modern Families In Europe. ... The Sumerian civilization developed on the Persian Gulf, .... Jan 9, 2017 — Enki (also known as Ea, Enkig, Nudimmud, Ninsiku) was the Sumerian god of wisdom, fresh water, intelligence, trickery and mischief, crafts, .... If Enki and Enlil were ETs, then surely descendants via the Jesus bloodline would at least have ET ... I AM GOD Biblical Proof of Anunnaki Anu Enlil Enki Jesus .. 2 days ago — The Annunaki Bloodline Society [Cyber Nations Alliance ... Anunnaki Bloodlines | Sumerios, Mesopotamia, Los sumerios ANNUNAKI .... Apr 30, 2021 — His parents are two primordial gods, Anshar and Kishar. If you happen to be versed in Greek mythology, you can think of these primordial gods as .... The Bible God Is Actually Satan, And Satan God If Jesus is still alive, being the Son of Immortal Sumerian- Biblical creator God Enki ( Asta Vasu Deity Dhara- Apah .... The Secret History of an Ancient Bloodline Nicholas de Vere ... a god were called Druids and Witches , whilst the faction that knew that Enki's descendant Jesus .... Apr 30, 2004 — The Elohim mentioned in Genesis and elsewhere refer to the Anunnaki, with two Sumerian “gods”, Enki and Enlil, being the prime players in the .... Is Jesus Christ the Son of Anunnaki Lord Enlil(eagle) or Lord Enki(serpent)? This is a biblically tracked account of Ceation to Jesus Christ. Would you consi. I AM .... Anunnaki,Enki,Enlil,Yahweh,Jesus,Lucifer,Marduk,Bloodlines,Gerald,Clark,2017. Gerald Clark - Jesus (Afroboer & the goldengoose - 2015). Anunnaki,Enki,Enlil .... Oct 21, 2020 — Annunaki is a phrase that has been made famous by Zecharia Sitchin. Found within many of his famous books, Sitchin explores ancient .... The Father God proclaimed by Jesus is Enki (Lord Siva) who came in earth aprox. 4,50,000 years ago and fashioned Homo-erectus to Homo-sapiens. Lord Shiva, .... May 4, 2010 — In his new novel, The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ, Pullman, the noted atheist and author of the His Dark Materials trilogy, .... And that is the Beginning of the End. Jesus Christ is Earth's Skygod and the ... of Adam, of the bloodline of Ningishzidda, of the bloodline of Lord Enki Ea .... Enki (Sumerian: 𒀭𒂗𒆠) is the Sumerian god of water, knowledge (gestú), mischief, crafts (gašam), and creation (nudimmud), and one of the Anunnaki. He was .... The Explosive Story of Genetic Cloning and the Ancient Bloodline of Jesus ... At that time, in those years of the wise son of Eridu, Enki had created him as a .... Nov 12, 2020 — Abel died by the hands of Cain just like Enki died by the hands of Enlil in the Sumerian tablets. Which leads me to believe that Enki is indeed Abel .... In Sumerian Mythology the Anunnaki were a pantheon of good and evil gods and goddesses (duality) who came to Earth to create the human race. Anunnaki .... I've gone beyond the Holy Bible in this research, and beyond the Torah, into the more ancient Sumerian and Babylonian texts. I figured this would be a good place .... Keywords: lord marduk, how to contact the annunaki, jesus enki bloodline, anunnaki cross, enki jesús. Apr 8, 2021. Created: 2012-11-15. Expires: 2021-11-15.. Lucifer Fans / Lucifer Drivers' official group. Directory: Meditations Catechism Lectionary Calendar Gnostic Society. The Lucifer Group. Lucifer has become a .... JESUS THE ANUNNAKI? In Sumerian E-A means "the house of water", and it has been suggested that this was originally the name for the shrine to the god at .... Dec 12, 2020 — Tiamat the Orion queen, yes. Anu had many wives, most of them were political marriages. The union between Nammu and himself, was probably .... Mar 31, 2021 — These are the Bloodlines of the Anunnaki 'Gods'. The marketplace of ideas is a sacred marketplace, sanctioned by the Christian God as well as .... The author believes that modern unidentified flying objects, the story of creation of the Book of Genesis, the life of Jesus, and the ancient off-earth aliens of time .... Why an ancient Mesopotamian tablet is key to our future learning | Tiffany Jenkins | TEDxSquareMile. In our ephemeral, digital world where everything is .... Nov 25, 2020 — The Sumerian En is translated as a title equivalent to " lord " and was originally a title given to the High Priest. Ki means "earth", but there are .... If Enki and Enlil were ETs, then surely descendants via the Jesus bloodline would at least have ET genes. What if we consider Enki and Enlil to be ETs, ETs still .... What is the science Anu Enlil Enki and Jesus Christ? ... If Enki and Enlil were ETs, then surely descendants via the Jesus bloodline would at least have ET genes .... Twyman. The Jesus Bloodline =Enki/Dagon Annunaki Bloodline . Aug 15, 2016 · Approximately some 250,000 years ago, according to Sitchin, the ancient .... Feb 20, 2021 — Why worship a dead god? Well when we look at the sumerian tablets we see a phoenix and a lamb right beside Enki, the phoenix is a symbol of .... Dec 25, 2020 — If you happen to be versed in Greek mythology, you can think of these primordial gods as being a little bit like the titans who preceded the ancient .... I AM GOD Biblical Proof of Anunnaki Anu Enlil Enki Jesus . ... The Merovingian / Jesus Bloodline = Enki/Dagon Annunaki Bloodline - Which Will be Unveiled as .... Nov 16, 2020 — The Ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia.. Request new password. It is Apsu, and the Dragon Queen, Tiamat. This must be because he had so many wives, and a large Harem, and many Off-Spring from .... Jan 4, 2020 — The Royal Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene Is Jesus Christ the Son of Anunnaki Lord Enlil(eagle) or Lord Enki(serpent)? This is a .... The Hidden Code of the SS Babylonian depiction of priests with fish suits, working with the tree of life, while holding pine cones (pineal gland) and.... Nov 19, 2020 — History seems to continuously repeat the story of the 2 brothers at war East of Eden. There were bitter years, in the Orion Wars - after the .... Results 1 - 25 — If their longevity is of the order of Earth years, as Sitchin pretends, what does that make homo sapiens: a short-term biological robot? What if this .... In Genesis of the Grail Kings, Gardner claims evidence that the royal bloodline descends ultimately from the Biblical Cain, whose sons were of extraterrestrial .... Jan 26, 2021 — Anu had many wives, most of them were political marriages. The union between Nammu and himself, was probably the most political and .... 'Jesus & His mysterious Father Dec 16, 2006 · The Merovingian / Jesus Bloodline Hype is Really Enki/Dagon Annunaki Bloodline - Which Will be Unveiled as the .... Jan 28, 2021 — These two half-brothers -- surprise, surprise -- did not get along. When this effort did not apparently produce gold in sufficient quantities, Enlil .... 1 day ago — Biblical Genesis of Anunnaki Enki to Jesus; Saviors of ... JESUS: MANY TAKES | ENKI SPEAKS JESUS: MANY TAKES | ENKI SPEAKS.. Sep 13, 2020 — Had cast lots and had divided. Anu then went up to heaven. To Enlil the Earth was made subject. The seas, enclosed as with a loop. They had .... Mar 19, 2020 · The "Anunnaki Creation" of the "Hybrid Slave Race" on Planet Earth. The first specimens of the 'Slave Race' were brought to Planet Earth by the .... Nov 29, 2020 — When we talk about the Anunnakiwe are referring to the ancient gods of Mesopotamia. But depending on who you ask, the Anunnaki may also .... Enlil seth - bnpb. She then produced a son Horus, who succeeded his father Osiris to the throne. Ra/Marduk, Enki's firstborn son, divides dominion over Egypt .... Gift Cards 10% Off - Code GC2020. Furthermore, to the ancient Babylonians, Nibiru was a celestial body associated with the God Marduk. Frankfort, Cylinder .... In biblical terms, we shall concentrate on Old Testament times, particularly on the early stories from the books of Genesis and Exodus. The Bible explains that the .... ... arose from Ninkhursag and Enki's bloodline and comprised a special soul pairing. ... Makeda's son by Solomon would continue the Davidic line down to Jesus .... Adrenochrome is a drug harvested from the blood of children used by satanists in Hollywood and politics. Adrenochrome, a chemical known by 'modern ... 3a5286bf2b 24